New California Drought Outlook: Not So Good
If you’re not already doing all you can to conserve water — particularly outdoors where we tend to use more water than for any other household activity — may the following update on drought conditions in California inspire you to start.
On February 20, 2014, the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) released its California Drought Outlook, and the numbers do not look good:
- 94 percent of California is experiencing some level of drought conditions (compared to just 47 percent at the same time last year)
- 65 percent of California is experiencing extreme (D3) or exceptional (D4) drought (no parts of the state were experiencing either of these levels at the same time last year)
- Storage of water in all major reservoirs north of Los Angeles are below average
- Snowpack is less than 50 percent normal, with the snow-water equivalent at its lowest level in 32 years
- Groundwater levels are falling
As though these current drought conditions aren’t sobering enough, the NOAA Climate Prediction Center says these extremities will continue at least through the end of April. Considering that our rainy season ends and our dry season begins on April 1, California is in trouble.
Fortunately, there is something every California resident can do to help.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, of household water, we use:
- 30 to 60 percent for lawn grass watering and maintenance
- 19 percent flushing toilets
- 15 percent running the clothes washer
- 12 percent taking showers
- 11 percent running faucets
- 9 percent lost through leaks
- 4 percent on other
While it is important to cut down on water use in every area of your home, clearly you can make the biggest impact by adopting a more eco-friendly landscape design.
To get started, see if you qualify for the LADWP Rebate for Removal of Live Turf.
If you would like information about installing* drought-resistant artificial turf on your residential property, contact Turf Now!® at 818-408-4639 or fill out our contact form and a representative will be in touch soon.